Page 36 - OPCF 2020
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教育年輕人,並讓他們親身參與保育項目,可令他們領略到生態保育的重要性及迫切 性,有助培養及加強保育意識。在二零二零年,保育基金慶祝成立二十五周年的同時, 亦見證著「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」踏入十周年,印證保育基金如何透過多元化活動,培 育未來生態學家。因此,「馬蹄蟹保育」亦順理成章成為「第廿五屆海洋公園保育日」 的主題。另一方面,保育基金亦將教育活動拓展至學校以外,於本年度繼續透過「停止 餵飼野生動物計劃」進行公眾教育工作。即使二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情肆虐,保育基金 仍善用不同渠道,例如網上教育活動及社交媒體等,積極推廣保育訊息。
Planting the Next Generation’s Seeds of Conservation
Education drives positive behaviour. When future generations experience conservation first-hand, they fully experience the significance and urgency of this issue. 2020 marks both OPCFHK’s 25th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of its Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme—one of OPCFHK’s diverse programmes to nurture future conservationists. Horseshoe crab conservation was therefore a natural choice as the theme of the 25th Ocean Park Conservation Day. Outside of school, OPCFHK has broadened its educational efforts to the wider public via its Don’t Feed Wild Animals programme in 2019/20. Even during COVID-19, OPCFHK is leveraging every opportunity to convey conservation messages, creating online teaching materials and social media series.

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