Page 4 - OPCF 2020
P. 4

Chair’s Message
堅持不懈 守護自然
A Continuous Effort to Safeguard Nature
「二零二零年是地球存亡的關鍵,我們只剩下十年時 間來逆轉氣候暖化問題,避免全球氣溫上升超過攝氏 一點五度。」
“This year is a ‘make or break’ year for the environment. We have just ten more years from this point to stop global warming from exceeding the safe threshold of 1.5°C.”
     對保育基金以至全球來說,二零二零年都是重要一 年。保育基金在這一年踏入二十五周年,在保育路 上奠定又一重要里程。在過去二十五年,我們為保 育工作累積籌得港幣二億五千多萬元善款,投入了 逾十七萬個義務工時,動員及接觸超過一百萬人。 而在國際層面上,二零二零年的「聯合國生物多樣 性公約峰會」將討論《二零二零年後全球生物多樣 性框架》,再一次敲響已經逼在眉睫的保育警號, 促請全球攜手為地球制定可持續發展藍圖。與此 同時,二零一九冠狀病毒病亦在二零二零年肆虐 全球,保育界亦深受衝擊。
生態系統一但失去平衡,地球上所有動植物,包 括人類的生存都會受到牽連。二零二零年是地球存 亡的關鍵,我們只剩下十年時間來逆轉氣候暖化問 題,避免全球氣溫上升超過攝氏一點五度。否則, 目前各國正面對的極端天氣現象將會變得更頻繁, 很多沿岸陸地會被淹沒,動物和人類都會痛失家 園。為穩守地球生物多樣性,聯合國《生物多樣性 公約》建議在未來十年,全球須有效保育最少三成 土地及海洋,值得鼓舞的是,英國及歐洲多國已經 對有關建議表示支持。
2020 marks an important year not only for OPCFHK, but the world as a whole. This year is the 25th anniversary of our long journey in the service of nature. Up to this point, we have raised over HK$250 million, contributed over 170,000 volunteer man-hours and engaged over one million people on conservation. 2020 also brings crucial developments like the formulation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework at the upcoming Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of the United Nations (UN)—a statement on the urgency of conservation and our hopes for the planet’s future. On top of all this, the world continues to face the challenge of COVID-19, whose effects are also felt in the conservation sector.
It cannot be stressed enough that unhealthy ecosystems threaten the survival of everything, plants, animals and humans alike. This year is a “make or break” year for the environment. We have just ten more years from this point to stop global warming from exceeding the safe threshold of 1.5°C. After that point, the catastrophic, 100-year weather events that are already battering countries around the globe will become the new normal, with large swathes of our coasts completely submerged. Many species and people will lose their homes. To create a bulwark for Earth’s biodiversity, the UN CBD proposes that we need to protect at least 30% of the world’s land and seas in the next decade. The governments of the UK and several European nations have encouragingly come out in support of this framework.

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