Page 40 - OPCF 2020
P. 40

University Student Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife Conservation: Nurturing Future Conservationists through On-site Experiences
   歷屆USSP參加者總數達 Number of Students Sponsored under USSP
「野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃」(USSP)每年均 會提供實習機會,帶領本地大學生走在保育前線,參 與亞洲區不同研究項目。在二零一九至二零二零年 度,USSP 再次與本地大學合作,啟發新一代投身保育 及生態研究行列。參與計劃的學生可親身體驗亞洲區 瀕危物種的保育工作,掌握各種基本保育研究知識。
在參與 USSP 期間,學生除可獲得研究員指導如何推行 保育項目,還可以與海內外保育專家交流。USSP更鼓 勵學生透過製作紀錄片、講座、設計訊息圖表及媒體 訪問等,向社會公眾傳達保育訊息。
Each year, students from local universities are invited to join the University 保育里程 Student Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife Conservation (USSP) to gain
 USSP自二零零五年起,一直積極栽培保育生力軍, 見證著亞洲保育力量的茁壯成長:
揭紫琪女士 保育基金社區教育主任 二零一三至二零一四年度 USSP參加者
Ms. Nicole Kit Community Education Officer, OPCFHK 2013/14 USSP Alumni
宋亦希博士 嶺南大學科學教研組 助理教授 二零零六至二零零七年度 USSP參加者
Dr. Sung Yik-hei Assistant Professor of Science Unit,
Lingnan University
2006/07 USSP Alumni
frontline experience in conservation projects across Asia. USSP partnered again with local institutions in 2019/20, seeking to inspire students to pursuing careers in conservation and ecological research. Participating students were provided with introductory training and valuable hands-on opportunities to study endangered species in Asia.
As part of the programme, students met and received guidance from researchers on how to carry out conservation projects, and exchanged expertise with local and foreign conservationists. They were further encouraged to spread public conservation messages through various means, such as documentaries, talks, infographic creation and media interviews.
The Road So Far
Since 2005, USSP has seen the growth of both young conservationists and the power of conservation throughout Asia:
在『野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃』中,我在菲律賓參與實地海馬調查,並為iSeahorse設計圖 像,擴闊了我在海洋保育方面的視野。我很高興能參與計劃逾兩年的協調工作,帶領年輕一代 開展別具意義的繽紛保育旅程!
USSP opened my eyes to marine conservation and I was able to participate in field surveys and graphic design for iSeahorse, in the Philippines. I am grateful to have coordinated the programme for more than two years, taking our young conservationists on colourful and meaningful journeys!
我於二零零七年參加了『野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃』的四川大熊貓研究項目,那是我首次 親身參與保育工作,讓我有機會與知名的保育人員交流,學習到各種相關技能,這亦點燃了我 對保育生物多樣化的興趣。
I joined USSP for a Sichuan giant panda project in 2007. It was my first exposure to hands-on conservation work. I had the opportunity to meet renowned conservationists and develop a wide range of skills. The experience ignited my interest in biodiversity conservation.

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