Page 4 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 4


         Chair’s Message

         Together, We Safeguard Our Planet and Ecosystems

         地球無疑正面對各種極大的威脅,承受著前所未有                      Our planet is undoubtedly facing a number of significant threats and under
         的負荷,尤其是影響無可替代的生物多樣性,它關乎                     unprecedented pressure – especially its biodiversity. Consisting of every
         我們的家園──地球上的每一個生命和生態系統。                      life and ecosystem, biodiversity is the most vital feature of the planet that
         棲息地流失和受到破壞、非法捕獵、過度開採天然                      we call home. The major threats to biodiversity include habitat loss and
         資源及人類活動引致的氣候變化,皆對生物多樣性                      degradation, poaching, over-exploitation of natural resources and climate
         造成威脅。                                       change caused by human activities.

         在二零一九年,全球多國的森林受到大火肆虐,                       In 2019, wildfires raged across the world, including the Amazon rainforest,
         亞馬遜雨林、印尼婆羅洲及澳洲森林大火的猛烈火勢                     Indonesian Borneo and Australia, burning at a particularly high intensity not
                                                     seen in years. The devastating bushfires had burned millions of hectares
         均是前所未見。大火造成毀滅性的破壞,燒毀                        of forest. Flames swept the natural habitats of wildlife and took the lives of
         數百萬公頃森林,烈焰席捲野生動植物的棲息地,                      many animals. Sadly, some precious species are on the verge of extinction.
         奪去無數動物的生命,部分珍貴物種更瀕臨絕種                       Scientists revealed that frequent extreme weather conditions, such as
         邊緣。科學家指出極端天氣頻生如破紀錄的高溫,                      record high temperatures, have exacerbated the spread of the fire. All this
         加劇了大火的蔓延。這一切再次敲響了全球氣候                       has sounded the alarm of global climate change again.
                                                     Poaching is another serious threat to biodiversity. This problem is still
         另一個嚴重的威脅是非法捕獵,因部分野生動物被                      serious worldwide, while many wildlife species are considered to have
         視作具食用和藥用價值,全球非法捕獵野生動物的                      edible and medicinal values. In recent years, a few countries have taken
         情況依然持續。近年,多個國家和地區開始制訂                       action to formulate measures to combat illegal wildlife trade, and ban
         更多措施打擊非法野生動物貿易,禁止人類濫捕和                      poaching and eating endangered animals. In response to the coronavirus
         食用瀕危野生動物。其中,中國內地因應二零一九                      outbreak at the end of 2019 and in an attempt to eliminate the unhealthy
         年底開始爆發的新型                                                               habit of eating wild animals, China’s top
                                                                                 legislature announced a complete ban
         冠狀病毒疫情,以及                                                               of illegal wildlife trade and wild animal
         遏止民眾濫食野生動物                                                              consumption. The central government
         的習慣,全國最高立法                                                              also initiated a process for amending
         機關已落實全面禁止非法                                                             the current Wildlife Protection Law.
         野生動物貿易及食用                                                               This will help strengthen the protection
         野生動物,並建議修訂                                                              of endangered wildlife, and we hope
         《野生動物保護法》。                                                              more countries will formulate effective
         這有助加強保護瀕危                                                               policies and measures in this regard.
         野生動物,我們期望                                                               Although the situation remains dire,
         未來更多國家可制訂有                                                              plenty of positive steps are being
         效的政策和措施應對。                                                              taken globally to protect biodiversity.
         雖然現時各種威脅依然                                                              While there is certainly a lot more
         嚴峻,幸好全球有許多人                                                             to be done, we should continue to
         積極為保護生物多樣性                                                              encourage one another and build
                                                                                 each other up.
         漫長的保育道路上,                                                               Ocean  Park  Conservation
         我們應該互相勉勵繼續邁步前進。                             Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) has long been recognised for its
                                                     commitment to biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong and across Asia.
         香港海洋公園保育基金(保育基金)一直以來都竭盡                     With the belief that partnership, research, education and community
         所能保護香港及亞洲的生物多樣性。保育基金深明                      engagement are key to conservation, OPCFHK continues to make
         夥伴協作、研究、教育和社區參與是推動保育的                       impressive strides in these areas in 2018/19, bringing to life the spirit of the
         成功關鍵,我們在二零一八至一九年度繼續在這幾個                     report theme: “Conserve wildlife today for a better planet tomorrow”.
         領域取得重大進展,充分體現本年報的主題精神:                      2018/19 saw two new educational initiatives that helped spread the wildlife
         「保生態  為未來  由今天起步」。                          conservation message to the wider community. The Don’t Feed Wild
         在二零一八至一九年度,我們開展了兩項全新的教育                     Animals programme was launched in collaboration with the Agriculture,
         項目向社區宣揚保育野生生態的訊息。保育基金與                      Fisheries and Conservation Department to change public perception and
         漁農自然護理署合作舉辦「停止餵飼野生動物」計劃,                    educate people about the negative impacts of humans feeding wild animals,
                                                     specifically monkeys and wild pigs.
         及野豬等野生動物所帶來的負面影響。                           Another brand-new programme was ECF Ecology and Conservation 101:
                                                     Grooming the Next Great Ecologist. Funded by the Environment and
         另一個嶄新教育項目「環保基金生態保育 101:                     Conservation Fund, this was OPCFHK’s first Environmental Education and
         大嶼山生態學家育成計劃」是保育基金首個由                        Community Action (EE&CA) project which aimed at developing students’
         環境及自然保育基金贊助的一次性環保教育和                        understanding and appreciation of the rich ecology and biodiversity of
         社區參與項目,旨在培育學生了解和欣賞大嶼山                       Lantau.

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