Page 7 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 7

一直與漁農自然護理署合作,調查本地鯨豚擱淺                          Since 2006, OPCFHK has been collaborating with the Agriculture,
            個案,於二零一六年更延伸至其他瀕危的鯊魚和鯆魚                        Fisheries and Conservation Department to investigate cases
            物種。我們從解剖擱淺的鯨豚屍體及抽取樣本化                          involving the stranding of cetaceans in Hong Kong, and we have
            驗獲得寶貴的資料,包括物種的年齡、性別、死因,                        extended the programme to threatened species of sharks and
            以及累積有機污染物,這些數據有助保育工作得以                         rays in 2016. Necropsy and analysis on samples collected from
                                                           stranded cetaceans have provided invaluable information for our
                                                           ongoing conservation efforts, such as age, sex, cause of death and
            另外,保育基金歷年來共累積撥款逾港幣一千二百                         accumulated organic pollutants.
            萬元,資助超過五十個中華白海豚及江豚的科研                          Furthermore, OPCFHK has allocated over HK$12 million to fund
            項目。這些項目亦有效讓公眾認識本地鯨豚所面對                         over 50 scientific research projects on Chinese white dolphins and
            的人為和環境威脅。                                      finless porpoises over the years. These projects have been a great
                                                           way to inform the public about the anthropogenic and environmental
            最新啟用的香港海洋生物救護及教育中心為保育基金                        threats to local cetaceans.
            範疇,一再印證我們致力維持在保育工作最前線之                         Always looking to be at the forefront of conservation efforts, the
            決心。該中心是亞洲區內唯一一間結合擱淺科研及                         new Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre brings
                                                           a whole new opportunity and scope to the Foundation’s future
            教育的設施,對引致海洋生物受傷及其死亡的原因                         initiatives. The centre is Asia’s first full-scale necropsy, virtopsy and
            作全面分析。而中心先進的設施亦加強數據處理和                         education facility, offering a complete analysis of the potential causes
            分析,相信能夠引領亞洲區內未來的海洋生物監測與                        of injury and death of marine life. It also provides data-driven insights
            保育工作進入新領域。                                     that will undoubtedly shape future monitoring and conservation
                                                           efforts throughout the region.
            這些年來,我們向公眾宣揚由日常生活的小行動                          OPCFHK has always been a great supporter of community
            做起,再進一步將訊息擴展至更大型的保育運動。                         campaigns, adhering to the philosophy of small daily actions
            當中最佳的例子是「無飲管運動」,從二零一七年                         leading to large movements over time. A perfect example of this is
            初次舉辦的單日活動,現已發展成更廣泛及持續的                         the No Straw Campaign, which originally began as a one-day per
                                                           year initiative back in 2017. This campaign has now evolved into
            大型運動。在二零一九年,有逾一千七百間餐廳食                         something much larger, bringing together over 1,700 restaurants,
            肆、教育機構、企業及政府部門參與「無飲管運動」。                       education institutions, corporations and government departments
            而「無飲管運動」的重點活動「無飲管日」正正在                         in 2019. In fact, this year’s No Straw Day, as part of the No Straw
            每年一度的世界海洋日舉辦,今年的活動同樣獲得                         Campaign, coincided with World Oceans Day and had an incredible
            各界積極參與。計劃提高社會對海洋塑膠垃圾議題                         turnout. Focusing on marine plastic pollution, the initiative continues
            的關注,持續教育大眾保持海洋清潔,例如鼓勵                          to educate people about keeping our oceans clean, and encourages
            社區參與海岸清潔活動。                                    the community to get involved in activities such as coastal clean-ups.
            保育基金匯聚了年輕、才智兼備及對保育有熱誠的                         OPCFHK brings together a young, talented, and smart team that are
            人士。這個團隊規模雖小,卻有無限活力和幹勁,                         all very passionate about conservation. As a small but mighty group
                                                           with vast amounts of energy, we are constantly striving towards
            不斷努力追求更大和更美好的保育成果。為了成就                         bigger and better achievements. In order to achieve this, further
            以上目標,與學校、大學、企業、研究夥伴、科學家,                       collaboration with schools, universities, corporations, research
            以及其他亞洲區內的持份者進一步攜手合作尤為                          partners and scientists, and the rest of Asia is extremely important. I
            重要。我在此衷心感謝各合作夥伴過去一年對保育                         would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all our partners for their
            基金的大力支持。                                       great support.
            展望未來,誠如本年報的主題:「保生態   為未來                       Going forward, we will continue to prioritise our conservation efforts
            由今天起步」,我們會繼續推行各項重點保育工作,                        and work together with the community in the most efficient way
            並運用最有效的形式與社區連繫,相互合作。                           possible, with this year’s overarching theme of “Conserve wildlife
                                                           today for a better planet tomorrow”.


                                                       It is vital to remain positive and optimistic about working
                                                             towards a more sustainable future. Understanding
                                                                that we all need to work together to solve these
                                                                      types of issues is an incredibly important
                                                                                 aspect of conservation efforts.


                                        Michael BOOS
                                        基金總監 Foundation Director                               Director's Message  |  5
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