Page 25 - OPCF 2020
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計劃進行至今已招募了三十八個 當地家庭,分別在兩條村內未完 全開發的土地上建立了五個社區 苗圃。除了提供建立苗圃的所需資 源外,計劃團隊亦聯同消防代表及 其他持分者提供培訓,以加深參加 者對計劃的認識,同時培養所需 技能和知識,加強計劃成效。此 外,計劃亦每星期為當地兒童舉行 一次環保教育活動,並贊助了 二零一九年十一月二十四日舉行的 Anak Sebangau節,與當地人探討 森林的生物多樣性、其威脅和解決 方案。
為了替人工植林做好準備,團隊於Sebangau森 林被燒毀的範圍建立了兩個苗圃及一個員工休息 棚,同時亦在種植樹林前進行調查及實地考察, 掌握實際情況。在完成相關調查後,團隊種植了 首批合共二萬五千株樹苗。展望未來,團隊希望 在2025年前再增設二十五個社區苗圃及種植一百 萬棵樹木。
Mark Harrison博士
• Borneo Nature Foundation 二零一九至二零二零年度首席 研究員
• 二零一九至二零二零年度保育 基金受助者
Dr. Mark Harrison
• Borneo Nature Foundation 2019/20 project Principal Investigator
• 2019/20 OPCFHK Beneficiary
Promising Results for the Future
To date, the project has recruited 38 local families and helped build five successful community seedling nurseries on under-utilised land in two villages. Besides providing start- up resources for the nurseries, the team has held training sessions with fire-fighting team representatives and other local stakeholders to expand their overall understanding of the project and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to help them succeed. The project has also carried out weekly environmental activities for children,
as well as sponsored the Anak Sebangau Festival on 24 November 2019 to discuss forest biodiversity, threats and solutions.
In preparation for reforestation efforts, the project has built another two nurseries and one staff hut in the burnt areas of Sebangau Forest. The team has also taken surveys and field trips to understand pre-planting conditions in the affected areas, after which they planted the first of what will eventually be a total of 25,000 seedlings. In future, the project hopes to expand this work to create 25 community nurseries and plant 1 million trees by 2025.
Borneo Nature Foundation 很高興能夠與保育基金合作,在印尼婆羅洲Sebangau進行 保育工作。Sebangau是婆羅洲紅毛猩猩最大型受保護族群及許多其他物種的家園,但 卻受到非法伐木及火災的威脅。因此,當地急須進行生境保育和復原工作。保育基金提 供了多方面的重要支持,包括資助救火隊及森林巡邏隊、生境復原、建設本地社群的維 生能力,並推動可持續生活模式的發展。展望未來,我們希望能夠與保育基金保持長遠 合作,為保育出力!
The Borneo Nature Foundation is delighted to partner with OPCFHK in Sebangau, Indonesian Borneo. Sebangau is home to the largest protected Bornean orangutan population and many other species, but it is threated by illegal logging and fire. Habitat conservation and restoration efforts are therefore urgently required. OPCFHK has provided important support, including funding fire-fighting and forest patrol teams, habitat restoration, local capacity building and sustainable livelihood initiatives. We hope this successful collaboration with OPCFHK can continue long into the future!
 ©Borneo Nature Foundation
Conservation Helps Local Communities!
計劃為每個參與家庭每月帶來三十六美元的收入,以作鼓勵。至今,社區 成員已合共提供或收集了五千株茁壯成長的樹苗。與此同時,參與人員目 前已為保育工作貢獻了共四千小時的寶貴時間!
Thanks to this project, each participating family receives a monthly incentive of US$36 for their participation. In addition, 5,000 seedlings were provided or collected by community members and are currently growing. Altogether, community members have so far undertaken 4,000 hours of conservation action!

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