Page 26 - OPCF 2020
P. 26

      亞洲區內保育工作 Regional Conservation Efforts 布氏鯨:探索中國沿海再現種群
Bryde’s Whale: A Reoccurring Neighbour in Our Seas
   ©YANG Guang
目前世界各地對布氏鯨的所知不多,中國內地海域 的活體記錄及科學數據更是少之又少。因此,當二 零一八年潿洲島海域發現有布氏鯨出沒時,顯得特 別重要,而這也是中國海域自一九八零年以來首次 錄得大型鯨類的蹤影。保育基金深明這個新發現的 種群必須得到妥善保育,並正積極支援科學家採取 行動,改善中國內地的鯨豚保育工作。
保育基金自成立以來,一直相當重視鯨豚保育工 作。是次保育基金大力資助的項目,為內地首個有 系統的布氏鯨研究計劃,旨在為布氏鯨及其他海洋 哺乳類動物的保育工作奠定科學基礎。為深入了解 這個在中國海域內新發現的布氏鯨種群,研究團隊 採用相片辨認方法識別鯨魚個體,並透過不同科 學方法,研究及嘗試預測這個種群的數量、每年變 化、社交結構、現有棲息地,以及理想棲息地的分 布。與此同時,研究團隊並推出多項宣傳及教育活 動,藉以提升當地居民及漁民的保育意識,共同守 護布氏鯨及其棲息地。
An Exciting Discovery
Very little is known about Bryde’s whales around the globe. Even rarer are live sightings of and scientific data on these large cetaceans in Mainland China. Thus, the discovery of Bryde’s whales off Weizhou Island in 2018 is of great significance, with it being the first since 1980. It is absolutely important that this newly identified neighbour receives protection, and OPCFHK was eager to support scientists to take initiatives and make a change in cetacean conservation in Mainland China.
An Important Breakthrough in Marine Mammal Protection
Cetacean conservation has been a key focus of OPCFHK since its establishment, thus OPCFHK was keen to fund this first-ever systematic survey of Bryde’s whales in the Mainland. The goal of this survey was to lay a strong scientific base for the formulation of better conservation actions for the species and other marine mammals. In order to gather an in-depth understanding of this newly discovered population, the project primarily used photo identification to identify individuals sighted. It also employed a range of scientific methodologies, which studied and attempted to predict the species’ population, inter-annual changes, social network, and current and optimal habitat distribution. Alongside, publicity and education programmes were created to raise local awareness and engage fishermen in the conservation of the whale and its habitat.

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