Page 7 - OPCF 2020
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   隨意接觸野生動物會導致牠們習慣親近人類,不單有 機會造成危險,更會削弱動物天賦的求生本能,危害 牠們的生存。因此,我們需要推動公眾教育計劃,分 享如何與自然和諧共處,同時配合科學研究,了解不 同物種的生態和保育方法。在二零一九年邁入十周年 的「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」,以及保育基金在近年推 出的「馬蹄蟹種群普查計劃」,正是由此而來。這兩 個計劃結合科研與教育力量,招募中學生、大學生, 以至企業伙伴一同尋求科學的方法保育馬蹄蟹,認識 這個物種在香港的自然棲息地。未來我們將繼續推動 這兩個計劃,將保育熱誠薪火相傳,壯大守護自然的 力量。此外,我們亦會繼續透過「野外生態保育大學 生贊助計劃」(USSP)提拔生力軍,為大學生提供 實習機會,讓他們參與由保育基金資助的亞洲保育項 目,走在保育前線。在本年度,我們還與海洋公園、 「賽馬會資源『智』識揀計劃」及香港理工大學等不 同公私營團體合作,推出多個工作坊和公開活動, 進一步向年輕一代宣揚保育。
展望未來,當我們要準備迎向下一個二十五年,首要 面對的是二零一九冠狀病毒病的挑戰。在疫情之下, 舉行公開活動絕不容易,但亦無阻我們推廣保育工 作的決心。在二零二零年六月,我們成功將「無飲管 運動」全面移師網上舉行,而每年一度的「生態保衛 賽」預期亦將於二零二零年稍後展開線上跑。下一 年度我們還會推出一個全新項目「保育英雄支援 計劃」,邀請公眾助養海洋公園園內指定動物,收 益將用作支持野生生態保育工作。而參與這個計劃的 助養人還會定時獲得助養動物的最新動態,培養與 自然和動物間的感情,創造個人化體驗,加深對保育 的熱誠。
最後,我希望藉此機會向保育基金團隊各同事衷心致 謝,感激他們在疫境挑戰下的竭誠付出,亦多謝一眾 科研成員、商界伙伴、社會各界,還有你的支持,讓 我們的保育工作得以落實推行。眾所周知,二零二零 至二零二一年度將會充滿挑戰,但所幸保育基金的團 隊不單勤懇盡責,還有滿腔熱誠和創意,在他們的支 持之下,我深信未來一年充滿無限可能,並確信我們 可以在保育路上走得更遠。
Michael BOOS
基金總監 Foundation Director
Approaching wild animals or allowing them to become attached to us poses real risks to their survival. It weakens their natural instincts and can result in serious accidents. Publicity and educational programmes are ideal ways to help people connect to nature harmoniously, while scientific research teaches us about the species and the best ways to safeguard them. Our ongoing Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019, and Horseshoe Crab Population Survey demonstrate how research and education help spread the power of conservation together, especially to our younger generations. These two programmes offer secondary and tertiary school students, as well as corporate partners, opportunities to explore scientific methodology and the natural habitat surrounding Hong Kong through the lens of horseshoe crab conservation. Through our University Student Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife Conservation (USSP), we further link university students to research projects across Asia that OPCFHK has helped funded. Not only does this bring them closer to nature, it also inspires the next generation of conservationists by exposing them to practical conservation work. We also organised public workshops and activities with Ocean Park, the Jockey Club Intelligent Resource Management Programme, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and many private and public bodies to extend our reach to the next generation.
Looking ahead to another 25 years of safeguarding nature, we foresee immediate challenges in the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Organising public events at this time might seem difficult, but we are harnessing the power of virtual platforms to continue promoting conservation. Our fully online No Straw Campaign in June 2020 was one successful example that we hope to repeat for our annual Run for Survival later in 2020. We also look forward to a new initiative, the Conservation Hero Support Programme, which allows participants to sponsor and directly receive updates on individual animal KOLs in Ocean Park. Funds raised from this event will be allocated to wildlife conservation work. By personalising participants’ experience with nature and conservation, we hope to make people feel more involved with the natural world, and thus spur them to protect it.
Before I go, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to our devoted team. Thank you for your hard work and commitment in these tough times. Alongside them are the scientists, business partners, the community and you—who together make conservation action a reality. We all know 2020/21 will be another challenging year, but working with our our diligent, energetic and creative team, I know the year ahead will also be full of possibilities and certain to bring many fascinating green explorations.

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