Page 9 - OPCF 2020
P. 9

與香港漁農自然護理署(漁護署)合作跟進香港水域內的鯨豚 擱淺個案。行動組於接獲發現擱淺鯨豚屍體的報告後,會根據 屍體的腐化程度進行解剖,並作化驗;如個案為活體擱淺,保 育基金會與漁護署及海洋公園研究營救方案。
Establishment of Cetacean Stranding Response Team
In collaboration with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), the Team investigates cetacean stranding cases in Hong Kong. After receiving a stranding report, they conduct a necropsy and collect samples for further examination. In the event of live strandings, OPCFHK works with AFCD and Ocean Park to explore rescue options.
有見塑膠海洋垃圾情況日趨嚴重,保育基金於 「世界海洋日」推出「無飲管運動」,鼓勵市民以 「無飲管」生活作為減少使用即棄塑膠的第一步, 繼而建立「無塑」生活。
Inauguration of No Straw Campaign
In view of the seriousness of marine plastic debris, OPCFHK launched the No Straw Campaign on World Oceans Day to encourage people to say "NO!" to disposable plastic straws as the first step in establishing a "plastic-free" life-style.
這場二零零八年五月十二日的大地震影響遍及國內百分之八十三 的大熊貓棲息地,其中包括位於臥龍的繁育及研究中心以及多個 野外監測站被毀,影響到巡查及研究工作。「大熊貓基地震後重 建基金」為重建工作提供資金及技術支援。
Establishment of the Giant Panda Base Rebuilding Fund after the Sichuan 5.12 earthquake
The 2008 earthquake affected 83% of China's panda habitats. The breeding centre in Wolong and some field stations were also destroyed, which compromised patrolling and research activities. OPCFHK provided funding and technical support for the rebuilding work.
Celebration of OPCFHK's 25th anniversary
The conservation journey continues...
由「滙豐一百五十周年慈善計劃」撥款資助的「香港海 洋生物救護及教育中心」於二零一九年九月正式開幕, 成為亞洲區內唯一一間結合擱淺科研及教育的設施。
Establishment of Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre (HKMLSEC) Funded by the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme, the HKMLSEC was officially opened in September 2019. It is the first full-scale necropsy, virtopsy and education facility in Asia.

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