Page 10 - OPCF 2020
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Word from Stakeholders
Conservation is a team effort. Its success relies on the combined efforts of everyone! On its 25th anniversary, OPCFHK is delighted to share the thoughts of its many stakeholders across different sectors. Their words illustrate how OPCFHK has aided or inspired them, as well as their visions for conservation. Together, we hope to continue being a catalyst for conservation.
維珍妮國際(控股)有限公司自二零一六年起連續五年贊助「生態保衛賽」慈善跑,每年 均有超過二百位員工及家屬身體力行,參與這項別具意義的盛事,為提高公眾的海洋保育 意識出一分力。我們樂見參加人數逐年遞增,反映社會對生態保育的認識不斷加深。
Since 2016, Regina Miracle International (Holdings) Limited have sponsored OPCFHK’s Run for Survival. Every year for the past five years, over 200 staff and their family members have joined this meaningful event to help raise public awareness on marine conservation. We are so happy to see the participant numbers increase year after year, showing that society is growing more aware about the importance of nature conservation.
中國銀行(香港)有限公司深明金融機構對環境可持續發展有著舉足輕重的作用,並提 倡對環境負責任的商業模式。自二零一七年以來,我們很高興透過捐款,支持保育基金 的亞洲野生生態保育和科學研究,以及社區教育計劃。憑著保育基金二十五年來的成功 經驗,我們將繼續攜手合作,共同保護亞洲的野生動物和瀕危物種,促進生物多樣性, 並提高社會對野生生態保育的意識,為地球未來貢獻一分力量。
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited understands that financial institutions play an important role in supporting environmental sustainability and advocates environmentally responsible business practices. We are delighted to have supported OPCFHK with donations, for the conservation of Asian wildlife through scientific research and community education programmes since 2017. Riding on OPCFHK’s 25 years of success, we will continue to contribute our small part for a better tomorrow by helping protect Asia’s wild and endangered species, promote biodiversity and enhancing community awareness of wildlife conservation.
作為保育基金的創始成員,我非常高興見證保育基金一直致力推動香港及亞洲野外生態保 育,成就獲廣泛認同。保育基金聯同海洋公園獸醫和動物護理專家團隊,與公園協力推動 動物護理及保育科學,並加強公眾關注保護亞洲生物多樣性及瀕危物種的重要性,使公園 在相關範疇上蜚聲國際。
Being a founding member of OPCFHK, I am delighted that OPCFHK is widely regarded as a key driving force behind wildlife conservation in Hong Kong and across Asia. Alongside Ocean Park’s veterinary and animal specialists, OPCFHK has helped the Park earn a global reputation for advancing the science of animal care and conservation, as well as raised awareness of the importance of protecting biodiversity and endangered species in Asia.
過去十年,我與保育基金一直緊密合作,致力保育馬蹄蟹。「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」旨在 培養青少年對保護海洋資源的責任感和使命感,成效斐然,令人鼓舞。另一方面,「野外 生態保育大學生贊助計劃」亦為學生提供耳目一新的體驗,有助他們了解亞洲自然保育的 現況和威脅,並從中學習從事自然保育工作的寶貴技能。
I have worked closely with OPCFHK on the conservation of horseshoe crabs over the past ten years. The Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme is a huge success in nurturing a sense of responsibility and commitment for our marine heritage among our younger generation. Furthermore, the USSP offers an eye-opening experience to students on the threats and realities of nature conservation in Asia and equips them with invaluable skills for engagement in nature conservation as a career.
參加「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」是我高中時一個難忘體驗,開拓了我在本地保育的視野。 復活節假期裡,我每天負責餵飼馬蹄蟹和監測水質,還要記錄牠們的大小和體重,每次 見到馬蹄蟹進食的樣子,我都覺得十分雀躍。由飼養到野放的過程,我深受這些「海洋 活化石」所啟發,促使我加入保育基金成為保育助理,並在大學修讀保育相關課程,我 相信這份熱誠是我未來發展的動力。
The Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme was an unforgettable experience in high school, which broadened my horizons in local conservation. During the Easter holiday, I was responsible for feeding, monitoring water quality and recording their size and weight every day. It was amazing to see how horseshoe crabs grabbed the food and put into their mouths. From rearing to release, I was truly inspired by this wonderful marine living fossil. This inspiration extended to joining OPCFHK as a Conservation Assistant and pursuing a conservation-related course in university. I believe that my passion for nature will continue to motivate me in the future.
生態保育的成功,需要集合每一個人的力量與支持。 今年,保育基金為慶祝成立二十五載,特別邀請了來 自不同界別的持分者分享心聲,訴說保育基金如何幫 助和啟發他們的工作,以及他們對保育的願景。讓我 們同心並行,繼續推動生態保育。
• 「生態保衛賽」首席贊助商
Regina Miracle International (Holdings) Limited
• Run for Survival Principal Sponsor
• 保育同盟 – 中華白海豚級 捐款者
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
• Conservation Alliance – Chinese White Dolphin Level
• 保育基金信託委員
• 海洋公園行政總裁
Mr. Matthias Li
• OPCFHK Trustee
• Chief Executive, Ocean Park
Hong Kong
• 香港城市大學化學系副教授
• 「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」 合作伙伴
Dr. Cheung Siu-gin
• Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
• Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme Partner
• 保育基金保育助理
• 「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」參加者
Mr. Compass Chan
• Conservation Assistant, OPCFHK
• Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme Alumni

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