Page 11 - OPCF 2020
P. 11

• 浸信會永隆中學老師
• 「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」
Mr. Yu Chi-hung
• Teacher, Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
• Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme Participant
• 「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」 參與學校
Christian Alliance SW Chan Memorial College
• Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme Participant
Shailendra Singh博士
• Turtle Survival Alliance and
WCS India
• 二零一六至二零一七年度 首席研究員
Dr. Shailendra Singh
• Turtle Survival Alliance and WCS India
• 2016/17 Project Principal Investigator
Prativa Kaspal女士
• Natural Heritage Nepal
• 二零一六至二零一七年度
Ms. Prativa Kaspal
• Natural Heritage Nepal
• 2016/17 OPCFHK Beneficiary
本校自二零一三年起參加這項計劃,早年參與計劃的同學現已投身社會。與他們相遇時,大 家總提起以往飼養馬蹄蟹和向街坊分享保育資訊的難忘趣事,還有製作保育動畫短片並獲獎 的驕傲。他們也很關心現在的學弟學妹有否好好照顧馬蹄蟹和參與社區服務。身為教育工作 者,我很欣慰計劃孕育的不只是幼小的馬蹄蟹,也栽培出年青人關心自然環境和樂於服務的 精神。在此衷心感謝保育基金的指導和幫助!
Since 2013, our school has participated in the programme. The students who participated in the programme’s early years have since joined society. Yet, when I meet them, they still talk about the memorable moments of raising horseshoe crabs while promoting conservation to their neighbourhood, and their pride at winning prizes for their animated conservation videos. They usually ask if the current students take proper care of the horseshoe crabs or are willing to participate in community service. I am pleased to see that the programme not only cultivates young horseshoe crabs, but also caring teenagers, and their spirit of service. Thank you OPCFHK for all the support!
感謝保育基金給我校參加「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」的機會,透過到校保育講座、清潔泥 灘和考察等多元化活動,讓同學能親身體驗大自然保育的重要性。在親自飼養馬蹄蟹的 過程中,同學可培養愛護動物的責任感,更可利用STEM元素解決不同問題,例如同學在 新年假期間未能回校,他們便發明了自動餵哺機及酸鹼度自動調節器。此外,計劃更成 為本校深受歡迎的長壽活動之一。
Thank you for giving our school the opportunity to participate in the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme. On-campus talks, mudflat cleaning and investigation activities gave our students chances to understand the importance of environmental protection. When students care for the horseshoe crabs themselves, not only do they learn to be responsible and caring, they also apply STEM elements to solve challenges. For example, feeding during the Chinese New Year holidays. In the end, we invented an automatic feeding machine and a pH regulator. This Programme has been one of our school’s longest-lasting activities and our students love it.
自二零零五年起,我負責領導Turtle Survival Alliance and WCS India旗下的印度龜類保育 計劃,希望在五個龜類重點保護區域內,恢復十個極度瀕危淡水龜及陸龜品種的數量。 保育基金的持續資助,讓多個重點保育項目取得成功,亦令一些受嚴重威脅的物種避免 絕種,例如潮龜。此外,保育基金有兩個很好的做法,就是在批核資助後繼續跟進相關 研究,並透過「野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃」讓學生參與研究工作,大大加強研究團 隊與保育基金之間的合作與信心。
Since 2005, I have led the Indian Turtle Conservation Program, under the aegis of Turtle Survival Alliance and WCS India, with the intent to recover 10 critically endangered species of freshwater turtles and tortoises in five turtle priority areas. OPCFHK’s sustained funding has been instrumental in accomplishing key projects while halting the extinction of severely threatened species such as the Batagur. Further follow-up on grant progress and association by sending students to the programme under USSP is an outstanding concept and significantly enhances confidence and cooperation between field teams and OPCFHK.
我很感謝保育基金一直以來透過資助尼泊爾的社群保育區及能力提升計劃,為保護中華 穿山甲持續地提供支持,讓我們能夠在不同社群中培養及加強關注保育的意識。我們的 首要任務是建立和發展社區保育。有賴保育基金的資助,加上政府部門的協調與合作, 讓我們能夠在社群森林中建立出穿山甲的保育模式。這裡近年發生了大地震,我們的保 育工作正好創造了另一種謀生機會,為倖存者帶來安慰,亦令他們更為團結。我們衷心 祝賀保育基金慶祝銀禧,並祝願他們在未來的工作更加順利。
I am thankful for OPCFHK’s continued support in conserving the Chinese pangolin through community-based conservation areas and empowerment programmes in Nepal. We have been able to awaken, strengthen and seed conservation attitudes among diverse communities here. Building and boosting community conservation measures are our top priority. With OPCFHK funding, we were able to set up pangolin conservation models in community forests with the coordination and collaboration of government authorities. Our conservation work has even helped re- unite and comfort survivors of the recent massive earthquakes through the creation of alternate livelihood opportunities. We heartily congratulate OPCFHK on their silver jubilee and wish them good luck in the coming days.

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