Page 22 - OPCF 2020
P. 22

     ©Loretta Kwok
雖然研究在起步階段出現延誤,但研究團隊目前已展 開觀察工作,並從已公布的龜類非法買賣報告中收集 數據,同時亦開始準備樣本以進行穩定同位素分析, 進展令人滿意。另外,香港兩棲及爬行動物保育基 金、海洋公園和保育基金正攜手合作,為眼斑水龜進 行人工繁殖,團隊期望這項研究的結果能夠為將來恢 復野生眼斑水龜數量的計劃制定基準。
 ©Loretta Kwok
 Data Collection is Underway
Despite an initial delay in the project’s commencement, observation and data collection are now underway and progressing satisfactorily. The team has begun sample preparation for stable isotope analysis, as well as collecting data from published illegal turtle trade reports. As the Hong Kong Foundation of Herpetology, Ocean Park and OPCFHK are currently collaborating on a captive breeding programme for Beal’s eyed turtles, it is very hopeful that the results of this study will set a baseline for restoring wild populations of the species in the future.
Scientific Name
Sacalia bealei
Extremely rare: only two populations remain in Hong Kong
Conservation Status
Estimated Population
Unspecified, with a decreasing trend
Major Threats
Habitat destruction and pollution, as well as unsustainable exploitation for the traditional medicine and pet trades
     *根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
• 保育基金受託委員
• 縱橫公共關係顧問集團有限公司 主席
Mr. Richard Tsang
• OPCFHK Trustee
• Chairman, Strategic Public Relations Group Limited
人人享受大自然,也要共同承擔責任。本著群策群力的原則,過去二十五年來保育基金不單 致力於保育工作,同時教育公眾保育意識。為此,保育基金除了推出各式各樣的贊助計劃和 項目,讓大學生及中學生參與之外,也藉著「啟動全城走飲管」和重點慈善活動「生態保衛 賽」,吸引企業和公眾的支持。透過呼籲全港市民身體力行參與保育,我相信未來的保育工 作將更成功,並證明保育基金在保育上擔當極其重要的角色。
While nature is for everyone to enjoy, it is also everyone’s responsibility. This precept of collective effort has been the impetus for OPCFHK’s conservation efforts over the past quarter century—efforts that have also called for broad-based-education. Consequently, while engaging university and secondary school students through various sponsorship programmes and initiatives, OPCFHK has also drawn on corporate and public support, as exemplified by the No Straw Campaign and signature Run for Survival charity event. In calling all members of society to action, I trust that still more successes on the conservation front will be realised, and OPCFHK’s indispensability further substantiated.

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