Page 20 - OPCF 2020
P. 20

    亞洲區內保育工作 Regional Conservation Efforts
Beal’s Eyed Turtle: Protecting Endangered Populations from Illegal Trafficking
    ©Yik Hei SUNG
根據Turtle Taxonomy Working Group資料,直至 二零一七年,有超過百分之八十的亞洲龜類物種正受 到威脅。由於棲息地流失及被非法捕獵買賣,中國及 東南亞大部分龜類的野生種群經已消失,因而對多個 不同的生態系統造成嚴重影響。此外,保育基金過 往在香港所資助的研究亦證實,由於非法貿易情況嚴 重,亞洲區內大部分原生龜類的數量已大幅減少,當 中包括大頭龜及眼斑水龜。
以往針對大頭龜的研究顯示,識別物種的空間生態學 (Spatial Ecology)數據(包括動物的出沒範圍、 活動和棲息地利用數據)不但對改善將來的野放計劃 十分重要,亦能夠加強在棲息地進行巡邏的成效,有 助進一步制止偷獵行為。因此,保育基金在二零一九 至二零二零年度資助了嶺南大學一項全新研究,希望 全面地收集大頭龜及眼斑水龜的空間生態學數據,並 透過無線電追蹤,加強打擊非法的龜類販運,這正好 呼應保育基金在過去二十五年來為保護本地物種作出 的努力。
A Species on the Brink of Extinction
As of 2017, more than 80% of Asia’s turtle species are threatened according to the Turtle Taxonomy Working Group. Indeed, most wild turtle populations in China and Southeast Asia have vanished due to habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade, causing severe impacts on many different ecosystems. Here in Hong Kong, previous OPCFHK-funded projects have confirmed that most of the region’s native turtle populations have plummeted as a result of illegal trade, including big-headed turtles and Beal’s eyed turtles.
Using Spatial Ecology to Restore and Protect Beal’s Eyed Turtles
A previous study on big-headed turtles has confirmed that identifying a species’ spatial ecology—home range size, movement and habitat use—is critical not only for improving future efforts to reintroduce them into the wild, but also for optimising on-site patrols to prevent poaching. For this reason, in 2019/20, OPCFHK sponsored a new comprehensive study of big-headed and Beal’s eyed turtles conducted by Lingnan University, which will enhance the understanding of these turtles’ spatial ecology and improve efforts to regulate illegal turtle trafficking via radio tracking, echoing OPCFHK’s continuous efforts to protect local species over the past 25 years.

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