Page 21 - OPCF 2020
P. 21

                   ©Yik Hei SUNG
 此外,研究團隊亦分別在大帽山、金山、城門及馬鞍 山郊野公園內共六段溪流設置紅外線相機進行觀察, 透過收集大頭龜和眼斑水龜的關鍵種群和活動數據, 加深了解牠們的保育需要。
這項研究的另一重要部分,就是從中國內地、香港和 台灣非法販運龜類的緝獲報告中收集數據,分析出經 常出現非法販運的地點和時間,幫助執法人員集中人 力物力加強執法。此外,團隊亦會評估運用穩定同位 素分析(Stable Isotope Analysis)技術,識別龜隻 為野生或人工繁殖的成效。目前,這項技術已用於識 別野生或人工繁殖的蛙類、魚類和蜥蜴。團隊希望結 合原地和遷地保育工作,打擊損害龜類長遠生存的非 法買賣,從而保護和恢復香港的野生龜類種群數量。
In addition, the research team is monitoring infrared camera traps in six sections of streams in the Tai Mo Shan, Kam Shan, Shing Mun and Ma On Shan country parks. By collecting data on the key populations and movements of big-headed and Beal’s eyed turtle, the team can gain a better understanding of their conservation needs.
A second important component of this study involves compiling data from reports about turtle seizures in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. With this data, the team will be able to identify geographic and temporal trends in the illegal turtle trade, which in turn can help optimise law enforcement on how and where to best deploy their manpower and resources. The team will also evaluate the effectiveness of using stable isotope analysis to differentiate between wild and captive turtles, which to date have been used to distinguish between wild and captive frogs, fish and lizards. By combining these in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts, the team aims to ultimately reinforce regulation against the unsustainable and illegal turtle trade, and protect and restore wild turtle populations in Hong Kong.
人類只是地球上的其中一員。保育基金關心香港、近鄰以至更廣泛的亞洲生態系統,藉著資助 科研項目,了解和保護瀕臨滅絕的物種,並教育人們尊重其他動物,保護生物多樣性。在追求 個人利益和價值的時代,保育基金提醒了我們,人類與大自然以及各地生態是相互依賴的。保 育基金過去二十五年為創造更好的生態環境不斷努力,讓我們一起慶祝這個重要里程碑!
The human race does not live alone on this planet. OPCFHK’s mission of care spans not just our immediate neighbourhood but also the wider Asian ecosystem. It has funded scientific projects both to understand and save species near extinction, and educate the public to respect our fellow animals. This is precious in an age where people seem to care more for one’s self. OPCFHK’s noble and persistent efforts over the last 25 years, alerting the public to our mutual dependence—between humans and nature—are worth celebrating!
 ©Yik Hei SUNG
• 保育基金受託委員
• 香港大學地理系教授
Prof. Becky Loo
• OPCFHK Trustee
• Professor of Geography,
The University of Hong Kong

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