Page 30 - OPCF 2020
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探索中華白海豚的夜間生態 現時針對中華白海豚推行的研究雖然為數不少,但 大多只集中於研究其日間生態,對其夜間活動的認 知相當有限。因此,在評估持續進行中及全新建議 的基建發展項目,特別是大型及二十四小時基建工 程對中華白海豚的生態影響時,難免有欠全面。是 次研究採用聲頻樣線調查,旨在補充現行研究所缺 失的資料,全面關注中華白海豚的日夜生態,提升 現行針對基建發展而實施的保育措施的成效。
研究團隊為是次研究而特別訂製的儀器已經運抵, 研究工作亦進展順利。雖然受疫情影響,部分實地 考察及器材測試工作預計將會受阻,但為此項目而 購置的聲學資料記錄器已率先於一次鯨豚擱淺拯救 行動中發揮效用。二零二零年三月十七日,保育基 金與漁農自然護理署(漁護署)攜手拯救一條獲 命名為 Netalie 的擱淺印度太平洋江豚。這個個案 為研究團隊提供難能可貴的機會,能夠錄取鯨豚聲 頻,成功記錄到受傷和受壓鯨豚聲頻的樣本。
Project 3:
Studying Night-time Ecology of the Species
Although a growing body of research has studied the Chinese white dolphin’s daytime ecology, their night-time habits remain poorly known. This fundamentally impairs a full assessment of impacts from ongoing and proposed development projects, some of which are intensive and round- the-clock. Using acoustic line-transect survey techniques, this project aims to fill in the missing gaps so that current conservation measures fully account for the effects of development throughout the entire day.
The team has so far received its made-to-order equipment and the project is progressing smoothly. However, due to coronavirus concerns, it is anticipated that some field trips and equipment testing will be delayed. The acoustic data logger acquired for this project has already demonstrated its usefulness during the rescue operation for a live-stranded Indo-Pacific finless porpoise, Netalie, undertaken by OPCFHK and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on 17 March 2020. This case presented an unusual opportunity to obtain porpoise acoustic recordings. With such acoustic profiles as a reference, rescuers can better detect when traumatised marine mammals indicate distress.
 ©Stephen C.Y. Chan
  ©Stephen C.Y. Chan
Scientific Name
Sousa chinensis
The Chinese white dolphin population in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is declining at an estimated annual rate of 2.46%, which will equal to a 74% population loss in 60 years
Conservation Status
Estimated Population
<100 條(台灣海峽東部亞種群)~2,500條(珠江口種群,包括香港)
<100 for Eastern Taiwan Strait subpopulation.~2,500 individuals in PRE, including Hong Kong
Major Threats
Habitat fragmentation and loss due to coastal development, pollution and heavy marine traffic, as well as entanglement in abandoned fishing gear
     *根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
保育快訊 Conservation at a Glance
受傷擱淺的江豚 Netalie 在西貢高流灣咀獲救時,其左前鰭 幾乎被魚網截斷,部分魚網連帶魚鉤更已嵌入其肱骨中。 牠最後在二零二零年四月六日離世,成為漁具誤纏下又一 犧牲者。
When Netalie, the stranded finless porpoise was rescued at Ko Lau Wan Tsui, Sai Kung, its left flipper was nearly severed by a fishing net and an additional line wrapped around the left flipper with fish hook attached was also found embedded in the humerus. Unfortunately, this victim of entanglement passed away on 6 April 2020.

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