Page 32 - OPCF 2020
P. 32

Stranding Case 2: Entangled Finless Porpoise in Sai Kung
二零一九年八月二十四日,水警於西貢附近海域發現 一具被世界自然保護聯盟在瀕危物種紅色名錄中列為 易危物種的雄性成年江豚屍體。該條江豚的尾鰭被漁 網纏繞,相信因而無法上水換氣,窒息致死,可見 「鬼網」對鯨豚造成極大威脅。
On 24 August 2019, the carcass of a male adult finless porpoise, which is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, was spotted in Sai Kung by Marine Police. The porpoise suffocated after a fishing net became entangled around its fluke, suggesting it was a victim of “ghost nets”.
Stranding Case 3: Striped Dolphin with Bite Wounds and Broken Jaw
二零二零年一月二日,一具雌性年幼條紋海豚屍體被 發現於深水灣,其下顎顎骨骨折,身上雖無瘀傷,但 卻有許多由鯨豚類牙齒所造成的刮痕,推斷其死因可 能是海豚之間具攻擊性的社交行為所致。此外,由於 其氣孔布滿泡沫,顯示其死因亦可能為溺斃。
On 2 January 2020, a female juvenile striped dolphin carcass was discovered at Deep Water Bay with both mandibles fractured. It suffered no bruising but its body showed many rake marks, showing that aggressive social interaction between dolphins might have led to its death. The female dolphin’s blow-hole was foamy, indicating that it might have died from drowning.
二零一九年五月,有市民發現一條接近成年的亞熱 帶斑海豚於香港南區水域出沒;二零二零年一月 十七日,更有人在維多利亞港目擊超過一百條偽虎鯨 的蹤影。這些鯨豚來訪固然令人雀躍,但保育基金特 別呼籲公眾要與牠們保持距離,切勿騷擾牠們,因為 人類活動或會無意間對野生動物造成壓力和傷害,或 是妨礙牠們的自然行為。
Surprise Visitors in Hong Kong
A subadult pantropical spotted dolphin was sighted in the southern district waters of Hong Kong in May 2019. More than 100 false killer whales were also spotted in Victoria Harbour on 17 January 2020. As exciting as these encounters are, OPCFHK urges the public to maintain a distance and refrain from disturbing them since human interactions can inadvertently cause them stress, injury or disrupt their natural behaviours.

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