Page 47 - OPCF 2020
P. 47

及早教育年輕一代面對野生動物的正確行為及態度, 對減少衝突十分重要。因此,保育基金與漁護署在 二零一九至二零二零學年於全港多間幼稚園及小學舉 行教育講座,透過互動遊戲,向學生介紹遇上野生動 物時應如何應對,例如不要餵飼牠們等。然而,因應 二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情,部分講座後來轉為於網上 進行。
Spreading the Word to Students
Teaching appropriate interactions with wild animals is best when started early, thus OPCFHK and AFCD designed educational talks for kindergartens and primary schools in the 2019/20 school year. Interactive games were used to introduce this topic to students while encouraging good habits when they encounter wild animals, such as not feeding them. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, several planned talks were instead held as webinars.
Don’t Feed Wild Animals by the Numbers in 2019/20:
設置 60個教育攤位,舉行15個生態導賞團
educational booths were created and 15 guided tours were conducted
於校內及網上舉行 99場講座,共有2,516名學生參加
school talks were held in school and online,
with 2,516 students participating (1,616 名學生參加校內講座,900名學生參加網上講座)
(1,616 students attended talks in school; 900 students participated in webinar)
visitors visited our booth

   45   46   47   48   49