Page 45 - OPCF 2020
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為期兩日的活動以「馬蹄蟹保育」作主題,遊客可在 海洋公園不同角落探索這種珍貴物種。其中怡慶坊更 變身為期間限定的「馬蹄蟹探知館」,提供益智好玩 的攤位遊戲及互動展板來介紹馬蹄蟹的有趣知識,包 括牠們的身體結構,以及在香港文化歷史故事中的角 色等。此外,遊客亦透過大型康樂棋「馬蹄蟹生命之 旅」,學習這物種的成長過程及所面對的威脅。遊客 更有機會近距離觀察活生生的年幼馬蹄蟹,並與靈感 源自馬蹄蟹的藝術作品自拍留念。
為了慶祝此計劃的十載里程,參加者及本地科學家亦 特別蒞臨保育日,向遊客介紹馬蹄蟹的棲息地及分享 保育知識。此外,野生生態保育專家亦在保育日期間 主講教育講座,分享他們保護大自然的故事。而出席 當天活動的遊客更可獲得可重用矽膠密實袋,上面印 有可愛馬蹄蟹圖案,鼓勵他們實踐「走塑生活」。
Promoting Horseshoe Crab Conservation
through Interactive Experiences
Focused on Horseshoe Crab Conservation, the two-day event placed horseshoe crabs centre stage at Ocean Park. Applause Pavilion was transformed into a Horseshoe Crab Discovery Centre filled with educational game booths and interactive attractions, showcasing fun facts about the species such as their anatomy, cultural and historical ties with Hong Kong. A giant floor game, Game of Horseshoe Crab’s Life, was also placed at the discovery centre where visitors could learn about the species’ lifecycle and the threats they face. Visitors could even observe live juvenile horseshoe crabs up-close, as well as take selfies with art pieces inspired by horseshoe crab.
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of
Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme
As this year marked the 10th anniversary of the programme, knowledge on the species’ habitats and conservation were shared by programme participants and local scientists. Experts on wildlife conservation were also invited to give talks and share their stories during the event days. Finally, visitors got a reusable silicone Zipper bag featuring cute horseshoe crab illustrations to encourage them in adopting a “plastic-free” lifestyle.
保育基金在二零一九年十一月進行調查,結果顯示九成受訪港人不知道本地其中一種最 常見的馬蹄蟹品種 ── 中國鱟已於去年被列為瀕危級別,更有四成五表示不知道這種遠 古生物一直存在於香港。故此,我對馬蹄蟹的生態情況感到非常擔憂,並希望藉著與保 育基金合作,喚起公眾對海洋生態保育的關注,共同肩負推動守護海洋的重任。
A survey conducted in November 2019 by OPCFHK shows that 90% of Hong Kong people are unaware that Chinese horseshoe crabs, one of the most common horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong, have been listed as Endangered, and 45% didn’t know this ancient species lives in Hong Kong. I worry about their status in the wild, and thus hope to work with OPCFHK to raise public awareness on marine conservation, as well as taking responsibility for saving the ocean.
• 保育基金馬蹄蟹 保育大使
Ms. Karena Lam
• Horseshoe Crab Caring Ambassador, OPCFHK

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