Page 46 - OPCF 2020
P. 46

Don’t Feed Wild Animals: Building on a Great Effort
   近年,香港的野生猴子和野豬與人類之間發生衝突 的情況越趨頻繁,而個案數字亦持續上升。事實 上,餵飼野生動物會誘使牠們進入鄰近其棲息地的 民居範圍,成為人類與野生動物發生衝突的一大主 因。有見及此,保育基金與漁護署合作推行「停止 餵飼野生動物計劃」,教育公眾為何不應餵飼野生 動物及其重要性。在二零一九至二零二零年度,此 計劃透過互動拍照布景和道具、展板及生態導賞團 等一系列活動,向超過八千三百人推廣相關訊息。
有賴三十二位義工的熱心參與,保育基金能在金山 郊野公園設置教育攤位,透過有趣展板和互動講 座,向公眾講解遇到野生動物時應有的行為,以保 障安全。為了向更多人推廣相關資訊,教育攤位更 移師至人類與野生動物發生衝突的黑點。此外,保 育基金在二零一九年十一月舉行了生態導賞團,特 別邀請了漁護署專家同行,聯同保育基金的猴子生 態調查員,帶領公眾更深入了解人類應如何正確與 野生動物相處。
• 計劃義工
Mr. Ha Leung-man
• Programme Volunteer
In Hong Kong, conflicts between monkeys, wild pigs and human beings have become more frequent and conflict cases continue to increase. Feeding these wild animals encourages them to approach human settlements that are on the fringe of their habitat. For this reason, OPCFHK organised the Don’t Feed Wild Animals programme with AFCD to educate the public about the importance and the reason to refrain from feeding wild animals, which plays a big role in lowering the chances of conflicts. In 2019/20, through interactive photo booths, interpretative panels and a series of guided eco-tours, the programme reached over 8,300 people.
Promoting “Don’t Feed Wild Animals” to the General Public
With the help of 32 enthusiastic volunteers, OPCFHK operated educational booths in Kam Shan Country Park to promote safe and appropriate encounters with wild animals through interesting panels and interactive talks. To maximise the effectiveness of this message, these booths were later expanded to places where human-wildlife conflicts were reported. Led by an AFCD specialist together with OPCFHK’s monkey surveyors, a special guided public tour was held in November 2019 to offer a more in-depth look at the issue.
自從二零一五年退休後,我就成為了香港海洋公園保育基金的義工,參與不同活動和服 務,包括「生態保衛賽」和海洋公園保育日,參加次數最多而最深刻的是「停止餵飼野 生動物」計劃。我希望能利用空餘時間增廣見聞,幫助推廣自然保育和環保資訊。這不 但令我增加保育的知識,還可提升與人溝通的技巧。與保育基金的員工一起參與,並見 證人們認同自然保育的重要性,就是我的最大得著。
Since I retired in 2015, I started volunteering for OPCFHK in activities such as the Run for Survival, Conservation Day and Don’t Feed Wild Animals, which I joined the most times and found most memorable. Why did I want to be an OPCFHK volunteer? I wanted to spend my spare time enriching my knowledge and learning about nature, and helping promote conservation and environmental protection. Being an OPCFHK volunteer increased my knowledge in these fields, as well as my communication skills. Joining OPCFHK’s staff and gaining recognition from people on the importance of conservation has been my biggest joy.

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