Page 52 - OPCF 2020
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No Straw Campaign 2020: Working Together to Fight Plastic Pollution
由走飲管開始 向即棄塑膠製品說不
自二零一七年啟動以來,保育基金的「無飲管運動」 一直致力減少公眾對即棄塑膠製品的依賴。二零一九 至二零二零年度,此運動更由宣揚「走飲管」的環保 訊息,擴展至提倡全面「走塑」文化,務求凝聚全城 力量減少製造一次性塑膠垃圾,守護本地海洋生態。
暫見顯著成效 惟反彈情況堪憂
根據保育基金一項持續進行的調查顯 示,由二零一七年至今,香港每年的 塑膠飲管用量大減四成,足見「無 飲管運動」成效顯著。儘管數字令人 鼓舞,惟二零二零年初起,為應對 二零一九冠狀病毒病,以及堂食限制 等各種抗疫措施令外賣需求飆升,導 致全港即棄塑膠餐具及容器用量出 現反彈,由去年平均每星期三點一件 增至三點四件,此升勢警示本地 塑膠垃圾問題的迫切性。此外, 調查結果亦顯示,雖然有百分之三 十三受訪者於外賣速遞平台點餐 時要求不用塑膠餐具,但餐廳仍會 提供。而當中只有百分之九的受 訪者會使用餐廳所提供的全部餐 具,可見外賣造成嚴重浪費,改 變使用即棄餐具的習慣更是刻不容 緩。為了未來的可持續發展,藉著 「無飲管運動」將「走飲管」文化推 展至其他即棄塑膠製品,讓大家從生 活中習慣「走塑」,成為扭轉塑膠垃 圾氾濫的重要力量。
Skip the Straw to Reduce Single-use Plastics
First initiated in 2017, OPCFHK’s No Straw Campaign continued its mission to reduce society’s reliance on single-use plastics this financial year. In 2019/20, it expanded the original “no straw” message to encompass “no single-use plastic”, calling for a concerted effort to safeguard the local marine ecosystem by reducing plastic waste.
restaurants, educational institutions, corporations and government departments have participated in the Campaign.
Remarkable Progress with Worrying Rebounds
Based on an ongoing survey conducted by OPCFHK, Hong Kong’s annual plastic straw consumption has seen an encouraging 40% drop since 2017, showing positive progress throughout the campaign. However, due to a spike in takeaway and delivery orders stemming from measures to combat COVID-19, the usage of single-use plastic cutlery and containers has bounced from a weekly average of 3.1 pieces to 3.4 pieces in early 2020. This big drawback indicates that the plastics crisis has become more urgent than ever. The survey shows that although 33% of respondents opted out of plastic cutlery when making their order on food delivery platforms, eateries continued to supply plastic cutlery unrequested. Of this, only 9% of respondents used the cutlery provided, highlighting both serious wastage and need for a culture shift. If we are to reduce waste for a sustainable future, efforts like expanding the No Straw Campaign to include no single-use plastic become all the more vital. Help fuel this change by adopting a single-use plastic-free lifestyle!
 2019/20 調查結果概要: 香港每年的塑膠飲管使用量 Survey Summary in 2019/20: Hong Kong’s annual plastic straw consumption
2017 17億 1.7 billion
2020 40%
10 1billion
Plastic items that people believed they could easily give up using
plastic straws
plastic bags for bread
plastic grocery bags
plastic cutlery/containers
Conservation at a Glance
走塑•由走飲管做起!互動式「無飲管餐飲地圖」 整合了所有參與「無飲管運動」的食肆,立即搜尋 作出明智的「走塑」餐飲選擇!
You can search for all partnering restaurants in the “No Straw Campaign” on the interactive “No Straw Map”. Make a difference by saying No to straws!

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