Page 54 - OPCF 2020
P. 54

Hong Kong Island Region Flag Day 2019: Raising Awareness and Funds for Biodiversity
  保育基金於二零一九年八月十日,在港島區舉行賣 旗籌款。當天活動以「保育你實識 一人一招救生 態」為主題,每張旗紙上都印有一種動物,以及 一個日常保育貼士,鼓勵公眾從簡單的生活習慣開 始,身體力行守護生物多樣性。此外,保育基金特 別設計了一款鯨魚造型眼罩,讓參與義工下載及自 由創作,令賣旗活動更添趣味。有賴公眾和商界的 支持,「二零一九年港島區賣旗日」為保育基金籌 得逾港幣六十四萬元,用以支持香港的鯨豚擱淺行 動工作、社區及公眾教育活動,以及亞洲區內的物 種保育科研項目。保育基金亦藉此活動進一步與公 眾分享其願景、使命與工作。
On 10 August 2019, OPCFHK held its Flag Day on Hong Kong Island. Under the theme “Every action counts, let’s save our biodiversity”, OPCFHK volunteers sold flag stickers featuring animals paired with daily actions that encourage the public to conserve biodiversity through simple and green lifestyle choices. To add some fun to the event, OPCFHK designed a special whale-shaped mask that volunteers could download and personalise. Altogether, Hong Kong Island Region Flag Day 2019 raised more than HK$640,000 in public and corporate donations to support OPCFHK’s work with the local marine life stranding response programme and community education programmes, as well as scientific projects around Asia. Moreover, the event provided a great occasion to raise public awareness about OPCFHK’s conservation efforts, vision and mission.
Conservation at a Glance
全球現時有超過一萬二千種動植物正瀕臨絕種威脅,保育刻 不容緩!好好愛惜每一分珍貴的地球資源,一起守護生物多 樣性。
Today, over 12,000 species of flora and fauna are currently threatened or endangered! Now more than ever, it is important for us to safeguard biodiversity. Let’s join together to save and cherish all of planet Earth’s precious resources.
自二零一五年捐助保育基金起,煤氣公司多年來均有參與其環保項目,包括「保育同 盟」、「啟動全城走飲管」、「賣旗日」、「生態保衛賽」等,推動公眾更加關心生物 多樣性及生態保育。作為領先的潔淨能源供應商,煤氣公司致力為可持續發展作出努 力。我們與保育基金擁有共同信念,抱持正直及負責任的態度,透過有效的企業管治來 建設更美好的環境,並展望在未來繼續為保育基金提供強而有力的支持。
Since we first sponsored OPCFHK in 2015, Towngas has continued to participate in its green programmes over the years. These include the Conservation Alliance, No Straw Campaign, Flag Day and Run for Survival, to advocate public awareness for biological diversity and ecological preservation.As a leading green energy supplier, Towngas is deeply committed to sustainability. We share OPCFHK’s vision in upholding integrity and accountability through effective corporate governance to better our environment, and look forward to continue supporting its valiant efforts.
 Public and Corporate Support Generated:
in donations raised
名義工參與 volunteers engaged
• 捐助機構/商業伙伴
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
• Donor/Business Partner

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