Page 53 - OPCF 2020
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因應二零一九冠狀病毒病,保育基金以全新方式推廣於二零二零年六月八日舉 行的「世界海洋日」及「無飲管日」。除了邀請公眾參加一連五天的「走塑層層 疊」挑戰,改變使用即棄塑膠製品的習慣,亦鼓勵參加者於社交媒體分享成果。 藝人湯盈盈和唐文龍、「香港小姐競選2018」友誼小姐陳靜堯及香港游泳奧運選 手江忞懿更化身成「杯緣守護隊」新隊員,一同參與挑戰,並透過其社交平台宣 揚實踐「無塑」生活的訊息。
Call for Engagement Online
In 2020, OPCFHK initiated new ways to celebrate World Oceans Day and No Straw Day on 8 June due to COVID-19. The “Plastic- Free Jenga” challenge, a 5-day challenge not to use single-use plastic, invites the public to make a change and share their achievements on social media. Hong Kong actress Angela Tong, actor Michael Tong, Miss Friendship of Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2018 – Claudia Chan and Olympic swimmer Yvette Kong who together are OPCFHK’s new No Straw Guardians, also joined the challenge to promote a plastic-free lifestyle via their social media channels.
Green Habits Start from Youth
Building on the campaign, OPCFHK invited primary and secondary schools to launch Plastic- Free Living Week on-campus, a programme sponsored by Morgan Stanley to educate students about plastic pollution and its impacts on marine ecosystems. Volunteers from Morgan Stanley were trained to conduct educational talks on plastic-free living with their peers and supported a workshop at a primary school under the programme. Joining hands with OPCFHK, the volunteers designed free-to-access educational kits that participating schools can use to create their own materials and activities. From school talks, movie-screenings, in-school debate and quiz competitions, a sea turtle origami workshop and community outreach, students found creative ways to promote “Less Plastic•Save the Ocean” to fellow conservationists-to-be.
除了舉行「無飲管運動」外,保育基金更邀請本港中小學於校內舉辦「無塑生活 週」,讓學生深入認識塑膠垃圾問題,關注對海洋生態的禍害。這項活動獲得摩 根士丹利的慷慨贊助,他們並派出義工參與培訓,為公司員工舉行「無塑」生 活教育講座。此外,義工隊亦到訪參與「無塑生活週」的小學,為他們舉辦工作
坊,並與保育基金攜手 設計出一套免費的簡易 教材,方便學校自行設 計及籌劃活動。這些活動 包括教育講座、微電影欣 賞會、校內辯論、常識 問答比賽、海龜摺紙工 作坊,以至社區拓展活動 等,讓學生運用創意推廣 「減少塑膠 · 保育海洋」 的訊息,培育「走塑」新 一代。
     Elitza Germanov博士
• Marine Megafauna Foundation 二零一五至二零一六年度 首席研究員
• 二零一五至二零一六年度 保育基金受助者
Dr. Elitza Germanov
• 2015/16 Project Principal Investigator, Marine Megafauna Foundation
• 2015/16 OPCFHK Beneficiary
我是一名海洋生物保育專家,負責研究受嚴重污染的區域內,塑膠污染對大型濾食性動 物的影響,其中的主要對象包括印尼和菲律賓的旅遊經濟重要物種鬼蝠魟和鯨鯊。保育 基金的資助不但讓我的研究得以進行,並讓我可透過實習計劃,向本地海洋科學系的學 生提供重要的培訓機會。研究結果評估出重要覓食區域的塑膠污染程度,記錄了季節性 趨勢,並證實了鬼蝠魟會吞食塑膠。我們已經將結果告知了政策制定者、海洋管理人員 及社區持分者,推動他們優先處理減少區內海洋廢物的情況。
I am a marine conservation biologist. I study the impacts of plastic pollution on filter- feeding megafauna in heavily polluted regions, focusing on economically important species for tourism, manta rays and whale sharks in Indonesia and the Philippines. OPCFHK’s funding enabled my research and provided crucial training opportunities to local marine science students through a conservation internship programme. The research has estimated plastic pollution in critical feeding grounds, recorded seasonal trends, and confirmed plastic ingestion by manta rays. We have informed and motivated policymakers, marine managers, and community stakeholders to prioritise marine waste prevention in the region.

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