Page 55 - OPCF 2020
P. 55

Friends of the Foundation: Connecting Local Nature Enthusiasts
「基金之友」雲集各界熱愛自然生態人士,定期舉辦各種有趣的保育活動及探索體驗。二零一九至二零二零年度,「基金之友」繼續帶來 多個親近大自然的機會,讓會員親身參與保育基金的保育工作,更可從中深入了解香港以至亞洲的野生生態。
As a focal point for lovers of nature and wildlife, Friends of the Foundation (FOF) regularly organises fun and exploratory eco-activities and experiences. In 2019/20, FOF offered its members great opportunities to explore nature and learn about ecological conservation. These engagements not only got them involved in OPCFHK’s conservation projects, but also fostered understanding about Asian wildlife and Hong Kong’s ecology.
Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre (HKMLSEC) Guided Tour 於「第廿五屆海洋公園保育日」,「基金之友」會員與其親友參觀了在二零一九年九 月正式開幕的香港海洋生物救護及教育中心。在導賞過程中,參加者能親身了解保育 基金的擱淺救援工作,近距離認識各種所需設備。
During the 25th Ocean Park Conservation Day, FOF members, their families and friends enjoyed a close look at OPCFHK’s stranding response efforts and equipment through a backstage tour of the HKMLSEC, which held its grand opening in September 2019.
Night Safari
「基金之友」參加者於二零一九年九月七日到大潭郊野公園探尋一眾「黑夜動物明 星」,包括螢火蟲及各種蛙類等,沿途並由保育基金導賞員作介紹,讓他們認識本 地生態系統,以及棲息其中的動物鄰居。
On 7 September 2019, participants of FOF’s night safari met Tai Tam Country Park’s “celebrities in the dark” including twinkling fireflies, frogs and more, with narration from OPCFHK experts. The safari introduced them to the local ecosystem and nurtured appreciation for their wild neighbours.
Chinese White Dolphin Eco-tour
二零一九年十月二十六日,「基金之友」於大嶼山舉辦了「中華白海豚生態考察之 旅」,讓參加者認識中華白海豚的特性和習性,了解這些本地海洋大使所面對的種 種威脅,反思如何為保護牠們出一分力。
On 26 October 2019, FOF organised a Chinese White Dolphin Eco-tour at Lantau Island. Participants learnt about the features and behaviour of these local marine ambassadors, as well as the threats they face and how human beings can help protect them.
Nam Sang Wai Bird Watching Eco-tour
參加者在保育專家帶領下,在二零一九年十二月十四日於導賞團中學習到各種冬季候 鳥及水鳥的習性,觀賞來自世界各地的長留或暫居雀鳥,還可欣賞南生圍的濕地、紅 樹林及魚塘生態,感受這片被喻為「雀鳥天堂」的美態。
On 14 December 2019, participants learnt about the biology of various winter migratory and water birds from a conservation specialist on an Eco- tour. Alongside spectacular views of the wetlands, mangroves and fishponds in Nam Sang Wai, known as a “bird paradise”, they had fun spotting the amazing variety of birds from all over the world.

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