Page 44 - OPCF 2020
P. 44

The 25th Ocean Park Conservation Day:
Promoting Conservation on Local Endangered Species
 保育基金於二零二零年慶祝成立二十五周年,在自 然保育工作上寫下重要里程。在二零二零年一月 十一至十二日舉行的「海洋公園保育日」,正好為 如此重要的一年揭開序幕。是次活動共吸引超過 二萬四千人參加,海洋公園更將首日活動的門票收 益全數撥捐保育基金,以支持亞洲野生生態保育工 作和研究項目。此外,在二零二零年一月十日舉行 的保育日啟動禮上,除了有約一百位來賓出席外, 更邀得海洋公園和保育基金的代表、漁農自然護理 署(漁護署)署長梁肇輝博士,以及擔任馬蹄蟹保 育大使的藝人林嘉欣為活動揭幕。
2020 marks an important milestone for OPCFHK as it celebrates its 25th anniversary of contributing to nature conservation. On 11 and 12 January 2020, OPCFHK hosted the annual Ocean Park Conservation Day, which attracted over 24,000 visitors. All proceeds from Ocean Park ticket sales on 11 January were donated to OPCFHK in support of wildlife conservation and research projects in Asia. At the kick-off ceremony on 10 January 2020, representatives of OPCFHK and Ocean Park were joined by officiating guests Dr. Leung Siu-fai, the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) and Horseshoe Crab Caring Ambassador celebrity, Karena Lam, to unveil the two-day event, with around 100 guests in attendance.
Conservation Education at a Glance
過去二十五年來,保育基金每年舉行的「海洋公園保育 日」都是大受歡迎的年度盛事。每年的保育日設有不同主 題,以有趣方式向公眾推廣保護本地生物多樣性、保育瀕 危物種和實踐環保生活的訊息。
Throughout the past 25 years, OPCFHK’s Ocean Park Conservation Day has continuously been a well-attended annual signature event. Featuring a different theme every year, it educates the public on local biodiversity, endangered species conservation and green living in a fun way!

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