Page 4 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 4


         Chair's Message

         珍惜自然資源 護佑美好未來
         To Save Our Future, We Must Protect Our Natural Resources

         "Healthy ecosystems and a rich global biodiversity are fundamental to life on our planet. One of their most imminent challenges is
         climate change, which disturbs natural habitats, disrupts natural processes and triggers irregular seasonal patterns."

         地球上所有物種的存亡息息相關,唇齒相依。人類自工                        Earth's species are not merely interrelated – their survivals are
         業革命以來持續過度開發自然資源,令許多動物的棲息                        tightly interlocked. After the Industrial Revolution, humanity began
         地和食物流失,甚至面臨滅絕的威脅。科學家警告第六                        to exploit our natural resources. As a result, many animals lost
         次生物大滅絕正在發生,而成因儼然是人類。我們對自                        their homes and their food supply, and even became extinct.
         然予取予求的生活方式,無疑正逼使自然生態走向絕                         Today, scientists warn that our planet's sixth mass extinction is
                                                         occurring, and it is directly linked to the way we live and deplete
         路。我們還有機會扭轉劣勢,不過危機已經逼在眉睫,                        our resources. It's not too late for us to reverse this situation, but
         行動絕對刻不容緩。為守護地球未來,保育基金一直不                        the clock is ticking. The deadline is no longer a nebulous future
         遺餘力,我們亦很高興得到許多志同道合的朋友相助,                        time. At OPCFHK, we have tackled this challenge head-on, and
         凝聚更大力量。                                         are heartened to fi nd that we are not alone.
         健康的生態系統、豐饒的生物多樣性,是所有物種賴以                        Healthy ecosystems and a rich global biodiversity are fundamental
         生存的基本,而當中所面臨的最大挑戰之一,正是氣候                        to life on our planet. One of their most imminent challenges is
         變化。氣候變化影響自然棲息地、破壞生態進程,並會                        climate change, which disturbs natural habitats, disrupts natural
         令季節更替變得紊亂。全球決策者已經制定時間表討論                        processes, and triggers irregular seasonal patterns. Policymakers
         這個議題,連串會議將在二零二一年底至二零二二年初                        around the world are now set to discuss the best steps to address
                                                         this situation. A full schedule of events such as the fifteenth
         密鑼緊鼓進行,當中包括聯合國《生物多樣性公約》第                        meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15), the 2021
         十五次締約方大會(COP15)、「二零二一年二十國集                      G20 Rome Summit and the United Nations Climate Change
         團羅馬峰會」、「聯合國氣候變化大會」(COP26)。                      Conference (COP26) are set for late 2021 and early 2022, from
         我們期望各會議將會取得明確進展,例如在環球經濟實                        which we are expecting encouraging news such as an agreement
         現碳中和上達成共識,並將全球暖化控制在較工業革命                        to decarbonise the global economy and restrict global warming to
         前高攝氏一點五度的範圍內,以及制定《二零二零年後                        1.5°C above its pre-industrial level. We are also hoping to see the
         全球生物多樣性框架》,推行經濟、社會及金融模式的                        fi nalisation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, which
         改變,以致力在二零三零年前緩解生物多樣性下降的情                        will transform economic, social and financial models to mitigate
         況,並在二零五零年前,為恢復生態系統帶來正向影響。                       biodiversity loss by 2030, and generate net improvements in the
                                                         recovery of natural ecosystems by 2050. All these will require effort
         而這一切唯有在大家通力合作與衷誠付出之下,方能有                        and commitment from all countries, enterprises and individuals on
         望實現,不論在國家、企業還是個人層面,每一分力量                        a global scale.
                                                         Pollution, especially plastic pollution, is another key topic of
         污染問題同樣令人關注,特別是塑料污染問題。香港                         concern. Locally, in February 2021, the HKSAR government
         特區政府在二零二一年二月公佈《香港資源循環藍圖                         announced its Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035, which
         2035》,並展開公眾諮詢,探討分階段管制即棄塑膠                       includes public consultation on the recommendations for the
         餐具的建議及處理其他單次使用塑膠的需要。早於二零                        control of disposable plastic tableware in phases and consideration
         一七年起,保育基金已推出「無飲管運動」,著力倡導                        of the need to handle other single-use plastics. Since 2017,
         走「塑」生活,可惜在二零二零至二零二一年度的調查                        OPCFHK has promoted the no-plastic lifestyle through our annual
                                                         No Straw Campaign. Unfortunately, our 2020/21 survey found
         之中,我們發現即棄塑膠飲管及外賣即棄塑膠餐具與容                        out that the consumption of single-use plastic straws and cutlery
         器的使用量均大幅上升,當中即棄塑膠飲管每周用量由                        and takeaway containers have all increased sharply, with weekly
         四支增加至四點四支,而外賣即棄塑膠餐具與容器則由                        consumption increased from 4 to 4.4 items and from 2.1 to 2.8
         每周二點一件增加至二點八件,升幅相信與疫情期間外                        items respectively, most likely due to pandemic-induced changes
         賣需求改變有關。這次的調查無疑敲響了警號,提醒我                        in takeaway demand. This is a strong reminder for us all to stay
         們必須時刻堅守減廢原則,絕不可在走「塑」上鬆懈。                        vigilant about advocating for and leading a plastic-free life.

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