Page 6 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 6


         Director's Message

         承先啟後 持續發展
         The Path from Past Successes to a Sustainable Future

             "This five-year review marks a good opportunity for us to identify clear directions to optimise future endeavours.
             By making changes in conservation, education, communication and capacity building, we can have a bigger and
             longer-lasting impact on species, habitats, people and communities around the world."

         保育工作任重道遠,既要堅定目標持之以恆,亦要                      Conservation requires persistent dedication, as well as periodic
         因時制宜作出檢討與調整。在二零二零至二零二一                      monitoring and course adjustments. In 2020/21, OPCFHK conducted
         年度,保育基金邀請獲資助項目的首席研究員進行                      a comprehensive fi ve-year review with the principal investigators (PIs)
         了一次深入的工作檢討,涵蓋二零一五至二零一六                      of our funded projects from 2015/16 through 2019/20. This review
         年度到二零一九至二零二零年度的資助項目。是次                      recorded encouraging results: more than six protected areas established
                                                     across Asia, more than 150,000 hectares of habitats protected,
         檢討結果令人鼓舞,顯示我們在過去五個年度,成                      more than 218,600 people reached, and almost 1,000 conservation
         功協助在亞洲成立超過六個保護區,守護了超過                       practitioners trained, including 108 young scientists nurtured. This fi ve-
         十五萬公頃棲息地,向逾二十一萬八千六百人次推                      year review marks a good opportunity for us to identify clear directions
         廣保育訊息,並培訓了近一千名保育工作人員,當                      to optimise future endeavours. By making changes in conservation,
         中包括一百零八位年輕科學家。透過這次五年工作                      education, communication and capacity building, we can have a bigger
         檢討,我們為完善未來計劃釐定清晰方向,於保                       and longer-lasting impact on species, habitats, people and communities
         育、教育、推廣及人才培訓各範疇作出相應轉變,                      around the world. We will use this information to seek out new ways to
         為全球物種與其棲息地、人類與社會,帶來更深更                      improve fund allocation and project evaluation.
         遠的正面影響。我們會充分運用檢討所得的資訊開                      In 2020/21, we allocated HK$3M to 12 new projects that offered a total
         創新猷,以及改善撥款調配與項目評估的工作。                       benefi t to 23 species across seven countries and regions in Asia. This
                                                     included our continued support to the 10 flagship species and areas
         保育基金在二零二零至二零二一年度撥款港幣三百                      identified, covering scientific research on the giant panda, Chinese
         萬元資助十二個全新項目,支持亞洲區七個國家                       white dolphin, Yangtze fi nless porpoise, Hong Kong freshwater turtles,
         二十三個物種的保育工作。有關項目涵蓋十個保育                      Chinese pangolin in South Asia, river turtles in India, Sakhalin Taimen
         基金持續關注的旗艦物種和範疇,包括大熊貓、中                      in Japan and Bali Starling, as well as conservation studies to protect
         華白海豚、長江江豚、香港淡水龜、南亞中華穿山                      the wetlands in Cambodia and combat illegal wildlife trade. We also
         甲、印度河龜、日本遠東哲羅鮭,以及長冠八哥的                      funded a range of conservation projects throughout Asia, including one
         科研項目,還有保護柬埔寨濕地和打擊非法野生動                      to monitor the Swinhoe's softshell turtle population in Vietnam, which
         物貿易的保育項目。此外,我們亦撥款資助多個亞                      notably discovered evidence of a new individual in the wild.
         洲區保育項目,其中在越南的斑鱉項目更取得突破                      However, scientific research is only one key to the sustainability of
         進展,發現另一隻野生斑鱉的存在證據。                          OPCFHK's conservation efforts. The other key is education. In 2020/21,
                                                     we launched various new initiatives to further this effort in schools in
         在保育上,科研是重要一環,而教育工作同樣重                       particular, such as extending our ECF STEAM Juvenile Horseshoe Crab
         要,保育基金明白唯有兩者相輔相承,才能令保育                      Rearing Programme from secondary schools to primary schools. Our
         得以可持續推行。在二零二零至二零二一年度,我                      latest collaboration with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
         們針對學校教育,推出一系列新措施,例如將「環                      Department (AFCD) saw the success of a series of education talks
         保基金 – 明日之鱟保母育成計劃」從中學擴展至                     and programmes on the biological characteristics of monkeys and
         小學;與漁農自然護理署(漁護署)合作,為幼稚                      wild pigs for kindergarten and primary schools. We also worked with
         園及小學生舉行野生猴子及野豬生態教育講座及活                      the Business Environment Council (BEC) on the BEC Mobile Green
                                                     Classroom, and the PIs of different OPCFHK-funded projects joined us
         動;與商界環保協會合作推出「綠惜課室」;以及                      to host a series of fi ve scientifi c webinars. In addition, we worked with
         邀請保育基金資助項目的首席研究員主持五場科學                      the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) to develop
         網上研討會。此外,我們亦與香港專業教育學院                       a teaching kit for Kids Greenway and with Po Leung Kuk to create
         (沙田分校)合作設計「綠路童心」計劃教材套,                      the A Wonderful Journey Inside and Out programme. With regards to
         以及與保良局合辦「快樂保 • 旅」計劃。在社區                     community education, we introduced the public to local endangered
         教育方面,我們獲漁護署資助在海洋公園舉辦首屆                      species at the fi rst-ever Beauty of Biodiversity Exhibition, subvented by
        「自然瑰寶」教育展覽,為公眾介紹本地瀕危物種,                      AFCD at Ocean Park, and worked with the Hong Kong Police Force to
         並加入了香港警務署主辦的「動物守護 • 社區大                     fight cruelty to animals through the Animal Watchers Programme. By
         使計劃」,打擊殘酷對待動物罪行。透過宣傳與教                      spreading awareness and nurturing new generations of talent, we can
                                                     ensure that our conservation projects have a long-lasting effect.

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